Lettice Beverly Shelton


Personal and Family Information

Lettice was born about 1820 in Virginia, the daughter of Coleman Shelton and Elizabeth Shelton.

She died on 7 Jun 1880 in Kentucky.

Her husband was William Preston Shelton, who she married on 8 DEC 1835 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Their two known children were Coleman Harston (1836-?) and Martha Elizabeth (1840-1915).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Lettice Beverly Shelton


Coleman Shelton


Beverly B Shelton


Crispin Shelton


Letita unknown


Ann B Coleman


Samuel S Coleman


Elizabeth Wyatt


Elizabeth Shelton


Gabriel Shelton


Crispin Shelton


Letita unknown


Elizabeth Shepherd


George Shepherd


Elizabeth Mary Angelicke Day



BirthABT 1820
Place: Virginia
Death7 JUN 1880
Place: Kentucky
Census26 SEP 1850
Place: Todd County, Kentucky
Age: 30
Address: dwelling 413 family 413 William P Shelton age 37 m, farmer born VA Lettus B “ 30 f Va Coleman H age 14 male Va Martha E 10 f Ky Mary E * f KY Ophelia 6 f Ky Delia J 3 Ky June G “ 37 f Va dwelling 417 is MC Shelton 33, Chaney E 47, Coleman 75 , Catharine 49 and 6 children age 12 or less

Census23 JUN 1870
Place: Logan County, Kentucky
Address: Keysburg Dist, page 19, dwelling 107, family 107Shelton William P 59 mw farmer $6000, $1500 born Virginia __ Lettie B age 57 fw keeping house born Virginia __ Cordelia P 21, fw botn Kentucky __ James C 14 mw Kentucky Allem, wiliam 33 mw Tenn, Nimrod K 8 mw KY, Charles H 5 mw Ky, Frankklin M 2 mw KY Shelton, Jane 59 fw born Virginia __ Alice 15 f B cook Ky, Georgian6/12 f mulatto, Ky Fannie 12 f mulatto, George 10 m mulatto


Virginia Cou...