Richard Marion Flynt


Personal and Family Information

Richard was born on 2 Jun 1837 in Boone County Kentucky, the son of Thomas 5 Flynt and Susanna Chiles Fulkerson.

He died on 7 Aug 1926 in Boone County Kentucky.

His wife was Mary Frances Turner, who he married on 7 JUN 1860 in Boone County Kentucky. Their five known children were Joseph Franklin (1868-1940), Wilmette A (1862-?), Augusta Jane (1870-1956), Augeta F (1869-?) and Ora E (1881-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Richard Marion Flynt


Thomas 5 Flynt


Thomas 4 Flynt


Richard 3 Flynt


Ann Perry


Sally Martin


Susanna Chiles Fulkerson



Birth2 JUN 1837
Place: Boone County Kentucky
Type: 1850 census
Death7 AUG 1926
Place: Boone County Kentucky
Census14 SEP 1850
Place: Boone County MO
Age: 15
Address: dwelling 651 with parents and 2 younger siblings
Cause: 1850 US Census
See Note 2
Census5 JUN 1860
Place: Boone County Kentucky
Age: 22 to 23
Address: Rocky Fork Township family 7, house 7 Susan C Flynt age 59 female born Virginia Richard M Flynt age 23 male farmer born Mo, Martin C Flynt age 16 male born Mo
Census13 AUG 1870
Place: Boone County, Missouri
Age: 31
Address: farmer with wife and 3 children
See Note 3
Census5 JUN 1900
Place: Boone County Missouri
Age: 63
Address: dwelling 24, Rocky Fork Twp with wife and 2 of 5 children
See Note 4
Census28 JAN 1920
Place: Boone County Kentucky
Age: 82 born Mo
Address: Rocky Fork house 193 family 195 Richard M Flynt 82, head, Mary F, age 78 wife, Augusta J, daughter, age 48
BurialAUG 1926
Place: Boone County Kentucky
Address: Mt Zion Cemetery Find A Grave Memorial# 42334405


Note 1

History of Boone County, Missouri: Written and Compiled from the Most.. Google Books..



Richard M Flynt though forty five years of age is a native of Boone county and is now living at the old home where he was born and raised. He is the son of Thomas and Susan C Flynt the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Virginia They first emigrated to Callaway county Missouri in 1833 but remained there only one year removing in 1834 to Boone county settling on the farm where the subject of this sketch now lives.

Thomas Flynt was born in Stokes county North Carolina iu 1794 His father was also named Thomas Richard M bears the name of an uncle who served on the staff of Gen Jackson during the war of 1812 Both of his grandfathers served in the American army during the revolutionary war The subject of this sketch was born June 2d 1837 He was one of a family of seven children two of whom died in childhood The oldest member of the family now living is the widow of John W Love who died in the Federal army during the late civil war The other sister is the wife of John D French The oldest of the brothers James W went to California in 1850 and has never returned He is a bachelor He is now living in White Pine county Nevada Martin C Flynt the youngest brother is a native of Audrain county He was a soldier in Cockrell's brigade during the late war and was twice wounded at the battle of Franklin Tennessee.

Richard M Flynt was with Price in his Missouri campaigns at the beginning of the war He was married on the 7th day of June 1860 to Miss Mary F daughter of Mordecai and Arethusa Tinner of Boone county They have seven children living and one dead Their names are Wilmuth Ann Thomas M Joseph F Augusta Jane William R Warren A Lena Mabel and an infant yet unnamed Thomas M died in infancy Their children are all living at home Mr and Mrs Flynt are members of the Baptist church at Grand View Mr Flynt is also a member of the Masonic order His home is situated sixteen miles northeast of Columbia and four miles southeast of Hallsville which is his post office Thomas Flynt the father of the subject of this sketch died in February 1858 Mrs Flynt died in the winter of 1866 They are both buried at Mt Zion church which was built on land donated by Mr Flynt and the church was named by him He was a member of the Methodist Church South Mrs Flynt was a member of the Regular Baptist church.

Note 2

Thomas Flynt age 57 farmer, born NC

Susaan C ", age 49, f, born VA

Richard M ", age 15 male, born MO

Ann L ", age 9, female born MO

Martin C ", age 6 male, born MO

Note 3

Flint, Richard, 31, m, w, farmer, $3000, $1500, born MO

__ Mary, F, 29 F, w, keeps house, born MO

__ Wilmette A, 8, F, W, born MO

__ Joseph F, 2, m, w, born MO

__ Jane 1/12, f, w, born MO

Note 4

Flynt, Richard, head, w, m Jun 1837, age 63, married 35 yrs, b MO, f b MO, m b MO

__Mary F, wife, w, f, Aug 1840, age 59, married 35 years, 5 children 4 living, born MO, f born MO, m born MO

__Augeta F , daughter, w, f, Aug 1869, age 30, single, born MO, f born MO, m born MO

__ Ora, E, daughter, w, f, Jan 1881, age 18, single, born MO, f born MO, m born MO