Marguerite Theobald Lloyd


Personal and Family Information

Marguerite was born on 12 Feb 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland, the daughter of John Eager Lloyd and Marguerite DeWolf Theobald.

She died on 4 Jul 1989 in Springfield , Sangamon County, Illinois.

Her husband was John Arthur Kellogg Rich, who she married on 1 SEP 1917 in Monroe, Wisconsin. Their three known children were Portia Kellogg (1920-2015), John Eager (1922-2014) and Marguerite Lloyd (1925-2004).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Marguerite Theobald Lloyd


John Eager Lloyd


Edward VII Lloyd


Edward VI Lloyd


Alicia Thompson McBlair


Mary Lloyd Howard


Charles Howard


Elizabeth Phoebe Key


Marguerite DeWolf Theobald


Samuel Theobald


Elisha Warfield Theobald


Sarah Francis Smith


Caroline Dexter DeWolf


Francis Le Baron DeWolf


Caroline Martin Dexter



Birth12 FEB 1895
Place: Baltimore, Maryland
Type: Register of Emmanuel Church, Baltimore
Address: 811 Cathedral Street Baltimore, MD
Birth Cert-Lloyd,Marquerie T

Death4 JUL 1989
Place: Springfield , Sangamon County, Illinois
Age: 94y 4m 22d
Baptism4 MAR 1895
Place: Baltimore, Maryland
Type: certificate of extract
Address: 811 Cathedral Street
Agency: Emmanuel Church Parish House
Birth Cert-Lloyd,Marquerie T

Census18 JUN 1900
Place: New Trier, Cook County, Illinois
Age: 5
Address: New Trier Township, Kenilworth Village, dwelling 504 family 523 Lloyd, John E, head wm born Apr 1865, age 35, married 6 yrs, born Maryland, f&m Maryland, Clerk __ Marguerite T, wife wf, Sept 1808, age 31, married 6 yrs, mother of 2, 2 living born Maryland, f Maryland, m Rhode Island __ Marquerite T, daughter, wf born Feb 1895, age 5, single, born Maryland, f&m Maryland __ Mary E, daughter, wf born Jan 1898, age 2, single, born Maryland, f&m Maryland __ DeCourcy, brother, wm born Aug 1873, age 20 single, born Maryland, f&m Maryland

Census21 APR 1910
Place: New Trier Township, Cook County Illinois
Age: 15
Address: Glencoe, dwelling 55, family 55 Lloyd, J Egan, head, mw, age 44, 1 married 16yrs, born Maryland, f&m Maryland, merchant in coffee spices __ Marguerite F, wife fw age 41 1 married 16 yrs, mother of 3, 3 living, born Maryland, f Maryland, m Rhode Island __ Marguerite ?F, daughter fw age 15, single, born Maryland, f&m Maryland __ Catherine D daughter fw age 6 single born Illinois f&m Maryland __ Mary E, daughter fw age 12 single, born Maryland f&m Maryland __ DeCoaurcy, brother mw age 30 single born Maryland f&m Maryland, broker in coffee spices Bachius, Hulda, servant fw age 29 single born Sweden, f&m Sweden, maid in private home Olson Elvira, servant, fw age 20 single, Sweden, f&m Sweden, maid in private home

CensusJAN 1920
Place: Cincinnati, Hampton County, Ohio
Age: 24 b Maryland
Address: 103 Huntington dwelling 47, family 228
Agency: 1920 census, Ohio
See Note 2
Census4 APR 1930
Place: Northbrook Village, Cook County, Illinois
Age: 35
Address: 1818 Kiest Ave, ED 16-2237, dwelling 7, family 8 Rich, Marquerite, head, own home valued $5000, no farm,FW,age 35, divorced, no school, reads and writes, born Maryland, father born Maryland, mother born Maryland, speaks english, no occup. --Porta K, daughter, FW, age 9 , single, born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother born Maryland --John E, son MW, age 8, single, born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother born Maryland --Peggie L, daughter, FW age 5, single, born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother born Maryland
Census 1930 Illinois, Cook County
Source: Census 1930 Illinois, Cook County
Date: 1930
Publisher: United States Census

Census8 JUN 1940
Place: New Trier, Cook County, Illinois
Age: 45
Address: Glencoe Village, 1092 Crescent Lane, visit 439, rented home, $49 Lloyd, John E, head, mw, age 75, married, 2yr college, born Maryland, same house 1935, clerk in county recorder office, income $3,000 __ Marguerite, wife, fw, age 70, married, 4yr high school, born Maryland, same house 1935 __ Rich Marguerite, daughter fw age 45, divorced, 3yr college, born Illinois, same house 1935, practical nurse, private families, income $640 __ , Marguerite, granddaughter, age 15, single, born Illinois, same house 1935 Lloyd, DeCourcy, brother, mw age 66, single, 2yr high school, born Maryland, same house 1935, postmaster, post office dept, income $2,400 Backrus, Hilda, servant, fw, age 59, single, 8 yr school, born Sweden, same house 1935, servant in private home income $832
Place: Talbot County, Maryland
Age: 94y 4m 22d
Address: N 38° 51.28’ W076° 10.08’ Grave 102A Lloyd Family Cemetery Wye House, Cremated, ashes buried Easton, Talbot County, Md Find A Grave Memorial# 100403134
Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
Source: Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
Date: JUN 2012
Publisher: Arthur Bowie Bentonville, Ark

Place: Winnetka, Cook County, Ilinois
Address: New Trier Twonship High School
See Note 3


EducationSmith College, then Northwestern Nursing School
Place: Chicago area
See Note 4


Lloyd, Margu...
Lloyd, John ...
Marg & Mary ...
Dexter Genea...
Dexter Genea...
Dexter Genea...
Lloyd, Margu...
Rich, Marg L...
Lloyd Sister...
Hoekstra, An...
Granny Rich ...
Marguerite w...
Rich, Margue...
Rich, Marque...
Lloyd -Hulda...
Lloyd Daught...


Note 1

After Marguerite and John Rich divorced, Marguerite went to nursing school at Northwestern in Evanston. Her three children, Peggy, John, and Portia lived with grandparents at 1092 Crescent, just off of Scott, in Hubbard Woods, Ill

as told by Peggy to daughter JoAnne:

After Marguerite and John Rich divorced, Peggy remembered going to her grandfather's house where her mother Margueriet knocked on the door and announced to her father her divorce and she had enrolled in nursing school at Northwestern. Children were not allowed in dorm, all students must live in the dorm, so could the three children stayed with them.

Grandfather replied that they can stay as long as they don't make any noise.

Peggy (and supposely the other two also) was rasied by Hulga, the maid. Hulga was from Germany and taught Peggy the art of ironing.

Peggy was living with grandparents while she was in high school

Note 2

Rich, John K, head, rented house, Male, White, Married

born Illinois, both parents born Illinois, salesman of Toys

with Rich, Maquerite, wife, female, white, age 24, married

born Maryland, both parents born Maryland, Occup none.

dwelling 47 shared with another young married couple John and Jane Buckley.

Note 3

children and grandchildren also graduated New Trier

Note 4

Gran attended Smith College for one year. Parents let their maid go for a summer to pay for a year of school. Next when went to Northwestern Nursing school but was stopped by events of WWI and then her marriage.

She returned to school and finished as a nurse durning WWII.

as told by daughter Peggy Ayers July 10, 2003


  1. Charles D'Wolf of Guadaloupe, his Ancestors and Descendants. Being a complete Genealogy of the "Rhode Island D'Wolfs, " the descendant of Simon DeWolf, with their common descent form Balthasar De Wolf of Lyme Conn. 1688.
    Source: Charles D'Wolf of Guadaloupe, his Ancestors and Descendants. Being a complete Genealogy of the "Rhode Island D'Wolfs, " the descendant of Simon DeWolf, with their common descent form Balthasar De Wolf of Lyme Conn. 1688.
    Authors: Rev Calbraith B Perry, D.D.
    Date: 1902
    Publisher: Press of T.A. Wright Genealogical Material in the St. Louis Public Library The Dewolfs Ref 929.2
  2. Census 1930 Illinois, Cook County
    Source: Census 1930 Illinois, Cook County
    Date: 1930
    Publisher: United States Census
  3. Charles D'Wolf of Guadaloupe, his Ancestors and Descendants. Being a complete Genealogy of the "Rhode Island D'Wolfs, " the descendant of Simon DeWolf, with their common descent form Balthasar De Wolf of Lyme Conn. 1688.
    Source: Charles D'Wolf of Guadaloupe, his Ancestors and Descendants. Being a complete Genealogy of the "Rhode Island D'Wolfs, " the descendant of Simon DeWolf, with their common descent form Balthasar De Wolf of Lyme Conn. 1688.
    Authors: Rev Calbraith B Perry, D.D.
    Date: 1902
    Publisher: Press of T.A. Wright Genealogical Material in the St. Louis Public Library The Dewolfs Ref 929.2
  4. Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
    Source: Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
    Date: JUN 2012
    Publisher: Arthur Bowie Bentonville, Ark