Marion Francis Baldwin


Personal and Family Information

Marion was born on 15 Jun 1864 in Edin, Mississippi, the son of Mordecai Maud Baldwin and Caroline Mary Woodruff.

He died on 7 May 1937 in Lonoke County, Arkansas.[Notes 3, 4]

His wife was Parlee Shelton, who he married on 8 JUN 1887 in Lonoke County, Arkansas. Their seven known children were Effie Caroline (1888-1954), Essie Pearl (1890-1979), Lola Bell (1892-1975), Bertha Drusela (1895-1971), Ezra Francis (1897-1979), Zollie Hemp (1902-1972) and Ellis (1905-1949).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Marion Francis Baldwin


Mordecai Maud Baldwin


John Baldwin


Nancy Allen


Caroline Mary Woodruff


Dennis Woodruff


Francis Banks



Birth15 JUN 1864
Place: Edin, Mississippi
Address: see also 1880 census Panola Cty Mississippi, dist 159 1920 Cenus, Ark, Lonoke Cty, ED162
Agency: Wilma Mae Tucker Rea
Death7 MAY 1937
Place: Lonoke County, Arkansas
Age: 72y, 10m, 22d
Address: Hemp's home
Cause: pneumonia
See Note 3
See Note 4
CensusAUG 1870
Place: Lee County, Mississippi
Age: 9
Address: dwelling 187, family 187 this is wrong family, same people in Lee Cty 1880 with father and 6 siblings
Census 1870 Miss, Lee Cty

See Note 5
Census17 JUN 1880
Place: Panola Cty, Mississippi
Age: 15
Address: dist 155, family 4, house 4 Baldwin M WM 68, married farmer b GA, FB GA, MB GA Baldwin, Caroline WF 30, wife, married, keeping house, b Ala, F&M b Ala -Margia WF 25, daughter, widowed, at home b Miss FB GA, MB Ala - William WM 16, son, single, laborer, b Miss, FB GA, MB Ala - Marion WM 15, son, single, laborer, b Miss, FB GA, MB Ala - Henry WM 13, son, single, laborer, b Miss, FB GA, MB Ala -Jesse WM 12, son, single, laborer, b Miss, FB GA, MB Ala - Mandia? WM, 4, son, single, laborer, b Miss, FB GA, MB Ala - Ellie WM 6/12, son, single, laborer, b Miss, FB GA, MB Ala
Cause: 1880 Census Mississippi
Census 1880, Mississippi, Panola County
Source: Census 1880, Mississippi, Panola County
Authors: US Federal Census
Date: 17 JUN 1880

Census 1880 Miss, Panola Cty

Census27 APR 1910
Place: Lonoke County, Arkansas
Age: 48 born Mississippi
Address: Cleveland Twp, ED 138, page 58A, Dwelling 37, family 37 with wife and 5 children
Agency: US Census 1910
Census 1910 Arkansas, Lonoke County
Source: Census 1910 Arkansas, Lonoke County
Publisher: Department of Commerence and Labor


See Note 6
Census4 FEB 1920
Place: Lonoke County, Arkansas
Age: 55
Address: Page 16 B, ED 162. 4 & 5 Feb 1920 294/297 Baldwin, Marion F, owns home with morgage, MW 53 married, reads and writes, born Mississippi, father born US, mother born US, farms, general crops for own account. ---Paralee, wife, FW, 53 married, reads and writes, born Missouri, father born Kentucky, mother born Missouri. occup none. ---(Zollie Hempie?) son MW 16, single, in school, reads and writes, born Arkansas, father born Mississippi, mother born Missouri ---Ellis, son MW 14, single, in school, reads and writes, born Arkansas, father born Mississippi, mother born Missouri ---Ellie, brother, MW 48, widowed, reads and writes, born Mississippi, father born US, mother born US, farms, labor, works for other
Census 1920 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Cleveland twp
Source: Census 1920 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Cleveland twp
Publisher: Dept of Commerence

See Note 7
Census12 APR 1930
Place: Lonoke County, Arkansas
Age: 66
Address: Eagle Township, Carlisle -Cabot Road dwelling 70, family 70, with son Ellis
Census 1930 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Oak Grove, Eagle, & Carlisle Twp
Source: Census 1930 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Oak Grove, Eagle, & Carlisle Twp
Publisher: Dept of Commerence

See Note 8
Place: Lonoke County, Arkansas
Age: 72y, 10m, 22d
Type: Headstone
Address: Wattensaw Cemetery, Highway 31, between Lonoke and Beebe N34° 53.141' W 091° 52.581’ Find A Grave Memorial# 69751643

Cemeteries -Lonoke County

See Note 9
Place: Lonoke County, Arkansas
Type: Tax List


Grandpa Bald...
Baldwins in ...
Marion Franc...
Baldwin Fami...


Note 1

not found in 1900 Ark Soundex or

1870 Ark, Census Index listing of possible interest

Balding, JH, Praire County, 491, Wattensaw Twp, born Ohio 1841, printer, wife Betty, son HA

Balding, Marion,, Marion? Co, p 474, Barren Creek-- born 1840 Miss, wife Mary20 , daughters Lucy 2 Mary e 1 mo

Flynt, Richard Milton, Pulaski Cty, Praire Twp, 319

Alexander, Benjamin F, Pulaski Cty, Praire Twp 391

marriage to Parlee Shelton 8 June 1887 in Lonoke Cty.

with parents in Mississippi 1880 census

Mississippi 1870 not yet checked.

Note 2

I have assumed that listing in 1880 census for Caroline errors in age and uses nickname or middle name. Every reference found in family indicates Caroline was mother of the seven children with her in that census. 1855 marriage seems right for birth of children with first same 1855. If Caroline was about age 16 when first child born, then assume Caroline born about 1839.

Also consider evidence that Baldwin brothers married Woodruff sisters, Morg & Caroline 1855, then William R and Jenetta/Nettie/Penelope in 1858.

1850 Census of Lawrence County Alabama has Dennis and Francis Woodruff with 4 daughters and 1 son. Jenetta is 2nd youngest born 1842, Only the oldest daughter, Mary A was born Alabama and age is as I’ve assumed for Caroline. Therefore, for working purpose I’ll assume at Caroline and Mary A are the SAME PERSON, and I will use name Carolina Mary Woodruff until confilct is found.

Note 1840 census Dennis Woodruff has two daughters under age 5; supposely Caroline/Mary and Elizabeth.

As of Dec 2020, I have DNA matches with 3 descendants of Thomas J Woodruff, son of Dennis and Francis. jdiano1 15cM in 3 segs, unweighted 24cM, longest 11cM. Cathy Shellenberger, 40 cM in 5 segmetns, unweighted 50cM, longest 18 cM and cy2u71 has 21cM in 2 segments, unweighted 24cM, longest 16 cM.

Note 3

"My Family History" worksheets done by Wilma Mae Tucker Rea, 21 pages, loaned by sister Alta Tucker Cunningham to Emma Bowie, and in Possession of Arthur F Bowie 8/21/97.

Note 4

temporary brass grave marker in possession of A Bowie 8/5/05.

Note 5

this is wrong family, same people in Lee Cty 1880. need to confirm names of siblings of MF Baldwin....

not yet found in 1870 or earlier texas death certificate has F M Baldwin born 17 june 1861 Miss died 27 Jan 1945 Hopkins County Tx son of Maberry Baldwin

Note 6

nearby is John H Baldwin W 31 Miss, Ark

with wife Anna 31 Miss

Lottie D 9 Ark

Euher D 8 Ark

Alter D nr Ark

Baldwin, Marion F, Head, m W, age 48, married 23 yrs, born Miss, father born Alabama, mother born Alabama, speaks english, farmer, works on own account, able to read and write, owns mortaged farm.

Note 7

294/297 Baldwin, Marion F, owns home with morgage, MW 53 married, reads and writes, born Mississippi, father born US, mother born US, farms, general crops for own account.

Note 8

---Baldwin, Marion F, father, mw, 66, wd, no school, reads/writes, born Ark, father b Miss, mother b Ark, laborer on farm.

Note 9

wife and all seven children all buried Wattensaw

temporary brass grave marker in possession of A Bowie 8/5/05.


  1. Census 1880, Mississippi, Panola County
    Source: Census 1880, Mississippi, Panola County
    Authors: US Federal Census
    Date: 17 JUN 1880
  2. Census 1910 Arkansas, Lonoke County
    Source: Census 1910 Arkansas, Lonoke County
    Publisher: Department of Commerence and Labor
  3. Census 1920 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Cleveland twp
    Source: Census 1920 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Cleveland twp
    Publisher: Dept of Commerence
  4. Census 1930 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Oak Grove, Eagle, & Carlisle Twp
    Source: Census 1930 Arkansas, Lonoke County, Oak Grove, Eagle, & Carlisle Twp
    Publisher: Dept of Commerence