Elizabeth was born in Lancaster County, Virginia, the daughter of unknown parents. The date is not known.
She died after 1740 in Richmond County, Virginia.
Her husband was Richard 2 Flynt, who she married on BEF 10 APR 1731 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Their four known children were John (1715-c1786), Richard 3 (1720-1792), David (<1730-1775) and Mary Ellen Elizabeth (<1730-1749).
Note 1
Named in will of Richard Flynt, 1715/ P1720
First two generations of Richard are shakey - wills have names need more to verify the many Richard and John.
Be carefull -- Errors are likely without more source materials!
filed Flynt,wwwNotes.mwd
Source: | Flynt Family History and Genelogy Online ......not reliable.... but source notes have usable info. |
Authors: | Lorien Gunsallus, FlyntPage -at- aol.com ......not reliable.... but source notes have usable info. |
Publisher: | http://members.tripod.com/flyntgenealogy/ Flynt,wwwNotes.mwd www.fmoran.com/flynt.html |
Source: | Flynt Family History and Genelogy Online ......not reliable.... but source notes have usable info. |
Authors: | Lorien Gunsallus, FlyntPage -at- aol.com ......not reliable.... but source notes have usable info. |
Publisher: | http://members.tripod.com/flyntgenealogy/ Flynt,wwwNotes.mwd www.fmoran.com/flynt.html |