Elizabeth D. Flynt


Personal and Family Information

Elizabeth was born on 7 Feb 1812, the daughter of Richard 5 Flynt and Eleanor Clayton. The place is not known.

She died before 1842. The place is not known.

Her husband was Sterling Elder Williams, who she married on 18 Feb 1834 in Hardeman County, Tennessee. Their two known children were Francis Lousia (1836-1897) and Albert Newton (c1837-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Elizabeth D. Flynt


Richard 5 Flynt


Richard 4 Flynt


Richard 3 Flynt


Ann Perry


Sally Martin


Eleanor Clayton


John Sr Clayton


Stephen Clayton


Mary Dennum


Charity Banner



Birth7 FEB 1812
DeathBEF 1842
Address: SE williams 2 married 1842 per findagrave 114057746
Place: Lincoln County, North Carolina
Address: dist 12 head of household
See Note 2
Place: Hardeman County, Tennessee
Address: Richard's Will names two children as heirs of daughter Elizabeth
Will - Flynt, Richard 1844

See Note 3


Flynt, Richa...


Note 1

not found in 1850, named as deceased in father Richard will July 1844. both children named in that will.

sister Mary has her two children Francis and Albert in Jackson County Arkansas in 1861. Brother Stephen in an Arkansas unit in Civil war.

Obits also indicated a child of Richard and Eleanor died between Dec 1839 and Aug 1844

Note 2

dist 8 Stephen C Flynt

Males 1 bet 15-20, 4 bet 20-30, 3 bet 30-40

Females: 1 under 5, 1 bet 15-20 and 1 bet 20-30

Slaves, Males: 5 under 10, 2 10thru23, 2 24thru 35

Females 4 under 10, 1 10thru23, 2 24thru35

Total all persons, free, colored & slaves 27

Manufacture and trade 6

persons employed in learned professional Engineers 1

Free white persons under 20 - 3

Free white persons 20thru49 8

total free white persons 11

total all persons 27

Peter Ferguson two lines above Stephen C Flynt

Lincoln County Dist 12 Elizabeth Flynt

Free white persons, males 20thru29 -1, male 30thru30-3

females50thur59 - 1

Slaves males under 10-3,males 10-23-1, male 24thru 35-1, males 36thru54-1

females under 10-3, females 24thru35-2,

total all persons free white, free colored, slaves -16

persons employed in agri 8

persons employed in manufature and trade 1

Free white person 20thru 49 - 4

total free white person 5

total slaves 11

total all persons 16

Note 3

Item 5th. My will and desire is that all my Negro property be equally divided amoung my children & grandchildren Francis Lousia & Albert Newton Williams heirs of my daughter Elizabeth amounting to one 9th part of my Negro property.