James Saxon


Personal and Family Information

James was born in 1754 in Halifax County, North Carolina, the son of Benjamin Saxon but his mother is unknown.

He died on 17 Jan 1836 in Autauga County, Alabama.

His wife was Ann Nancy Elmore, who he married in ABT 1797. The place has not been found. Their two known children were Benjamin Wadsworth (1798-1861) and Sarah E. (1800-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


James Saxon


Benjamin Saxon


Samuel Saxon



Place: Halifax County, North Carolina
Address: per pensions application Laurens Dist, S.C. 1819.
Death17 JAN 1836
Place: Autauga County, Alabama
Place: Elmore County, Alabama
Address: General John Archer Elmore Family Cemetery, Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama\ findagrave 245592779 no photo links to parents, and siblings
Place: Enlisted at Camden, S.C.
Type: Military Service
Address: 3rd Reg S.C. Troops of Reg Line File S38348
Cause: Rev War, South Carolina
The Heritage of Elmore County,Alabama
Source: The Heritage of Elmore County,Alabama
Authors: researched and copied by Sue Brasel Nov 2008
Publisher: Prattsville Public Library Prattsville, Al

Military records of James Saxon in Rev War

See Note 3


Military rec...
Military rec...


Note 1

Prvt in Rev War, South Carolina

1763 Moved to Lauren Co South Carolina

25 JUL 1775 enlisted at Camden, S.C. 3rd Reg S.C. Troops of Reg Line

AUG 1777 discharged at Eutaw Springs S.C.

1835 joined family in Autauga Co Ala

1836 Buried Autauga Co, Al

James Saxon

Autauga county private, particular service not shown; enrolled on February 16, 1820, under act of Congress of March 18, 1818, payment to date from September 4, 1834; annual allowance, $96; died January 17, 1836.--Pension Book, State Branch Bank, Mobile.

Hertiage of Elmore County -brother of Mary Ann Saxon Elmore was James Saxon, another Revoluntionary War veteran, married General Elmoree's sister, Nancy and Settled in Autauga/Elmore county.

also seen at

Thomas M Owen's Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama


also may refer to http://www.gravesfa.org/gen570.htm

this site may mirror ours or taken from Mary Makima work.

it seems to be secondary in nature.

GSA National Archives: 11/22/1968

James Saxon S38348 Rev War

James Saxon in the state of South Car who was a private in the regiment commanded by Colonel Thompson of the South Carolina line for the term of 18 months.

Note 2

Original Request Reference Code: RZTYYFPK

Requestor: Arthur F Bowie (afbowie@cox.net)

Patriot First Name: James

Patriot Last Name: Saxon

Birth: 1754 North Carolina

Death: 1836 Alabama

Spouse First Name: Ann Nancy Elmore

Comments: Enlisted at Camden, S.C.

3rd Reg S.C. Troops of Reg Line

DAR Patriot Lookup: Reference Code RZTYYFPK

Date: October 22, 2008 7:30:18 AM CDT

We have these 2 in our index.



Birth: NC 1754

Service: SC

Rank: Pvt

Death: AL 17 Jan 1836

Patriot Pensioned: Yes Widow Pensioned: No

Children Pensioned: No Heirs Pensioned: No

Spouse: 1) Ann Elmore Craddock


Birth: MA 17 Apr 1757

Service: NY

Rank: Pvt

Death: NY 24 Aug 1831

Patriot Pensioned: No Widow Pensioned: No

Children Pensioned: No Heirs Pensioned: No

Spouse: (1) Huldah X

13 March 2010 Received CD from US National Archive with complete file on James Saxon S38348

pdf format with 36 pages attached to gencom file as Military-Saxon, natlArc.pdf

Note 3

James Saxon

Autauga county private, particular service not shown; enrolled on February 16, 1820, under act of Congress of March 18, 1818, payment to date from September 4, 1834; annual allowance, $96; died January 17, 1836.--Pension Book, State Branch Bank, Mobile.

GSA National Archives: 11/22/1968

James Saxon S38348 Rev War

James Saxon in the state of South Car who was a private in the regiment commanded by Colonel Thompson of the South Carolina line for the term of 18 months.


  1. The Heritage of Elmore County,Alabama
    Source: The Heritage of Elmore County,Alabama
    Authors: researched and copied by Sue Brasel Nov 2008
    Publisher: Prattsville Public Library Prattsville, Al
  2. The Heritage of Elmore County,Alabama
    Source: The Heritage of Elmore County,Alabama
    Authors: researched and copied by Sue Brasel Nov 2008
    Publisher: Prattsville Public Library Prattsville, Al