Helen DeBriere


Personal and Family Information

Helen was born on 3 Aug 1922 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, the daughter of William Joseph DeBriere and Alice McNair.

She died on 29 Sep 2000. The place is not known.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Helen DeBriere


William Joseph DeBriere


Alice McNair


Henry Leonard McNair


Margaret A. Coleman


James Mulholland


Margaret Toomey



Birth3 AUG 1922
Place: Lauderdale County, Mississippi
Death29 SEP 2000
Census9 APR 1930
Place: Lauderdale County, Mississippi
Age: 7
Address: Meridian City , 4011 6th street, dwelling 190 family 199 MCNair, Eugene, head, owns home, $5000 with radio, age 32 single, born MIss, f&m Miss, machinist, Steam rail way __ Maggie R, motgher fw age 73 widow, born Miss, f&m Miss __ Ben f, brother mw age 36, divorced? born Miss, f&m MIss family 200 Debrice, william J head, rents home $8, age 35, married at age 26, born Ala, f&m Ala, meat cutter at market __ Alice M, wife, fw age 33, married age 24, born Miss, f&m Miss __ Helen A, daughter fw age 7 single, born Miss, f Ala, m Miss family 201 Wilkins, EW, head rents home $20, mw age 55 married age 22, born Miss f&m Miss, engineer steam rail way __ Maggie, wife fw age 54, married age 24, born Miss, f&m MIss __ Catherine, daughter fw age 21 single, born Miss, f&m Miss
Census11 APR 1940
Place: Lauderdale County, Mississippi
Age: 17
Address: Meridian, 4011 5th Street, visit 95, owned home, $2000 McNair, M.C. head, fw age 81, widow, 5yrs school born Miss, same house 1935, __ Ben Frank, son mw age 48 single, 1 yr high school, born Miss, same house 1935, office work __ Eric, son mw age 46, single, 1 yr high school, born Miss, same house 1935, machinest, southern railway DeBavere, Alice daughter fw age 44 married, 1 yr high school, born Miss, same house 1935, secretary __ Helen, granddaughter fw age 17, single 4 yr high school, born Miss, same house 1935 4011 5th Street, visit 96. rented, $15 Wilkins E. Wl head, mw, age 66, married, born Miss, same house 1935, engineer, Illinois central __ Margrette, wife fw age 64, married, born Miss, same house 1935 Chatham, B.A., son in Law, mw age 32 married, born Miss, same house 1935, rail clerk, South Steam W __ Catherine, daughter fw age 31 married, born Miss, same house 1935 —Robert W grandson, mw single, born Miss, same house 1935
BurialSEP 2000
Place: Lauderdale County, Mississippi
Age: 78
Address: Semmes Cemetery, Merdian findagrave 160766133 Helen D. Prieto links to husband, parents, two children