Focken Janssen Wiemers


Personal and Family Information

Focken was born on 14 Dec 1812 in Lower Saxony, Germany, the son of Jann Frocken Wiemers and Antje Weyert.

He died on 26 Dec 1881. The place is not known.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Focken Janssen Wiemers


Jann Frocken Wiemers


Antje Weyert



Birth14 DEC 1812
Place: Lower Saxony, Germany
Death26 DEC 1881
Census1 JUN 1870
Place: Otoe County, Nebraska
Address: McWilliams Prec, dwelling 35, family 36 Wiemers, Fred, age 58, mw, farmer, born Prussia Wiemers, Mary age 40 fw, keeping house, born Prussia Wiemers, J C, age 9 mw born Illinois Wiemers, HW, age 7, mw, born Illinois Wiemers, Anna age 5 fw, born Illinois Wiemers, H age 3 mw born Illinois next page: Wiemers, Geo, age 1, mw born Illinois
BurialDEC 1881
Place: Otoe County, Nebraska
Address: Fairview Cemetery, Talmage findagrave 87738007 4 other Wiemers in Fairview, ?? maybe wife, daughter,and two sons???
WILL29 MAY 1855
Place: Madison County, Illinois
Address: names wife Autie, daughter Rebecca J, sons Focke,John, and Broer see also Probate Case Files, Box 26, Tray 81, S's No.16-33; Box 26, Tray 82, W's No.1-8, 1813-1903
Will-Wiemers,John 1855

