Nancy deWolf Theobald


Personal and Family Information

Nancy was born on 19 Jan 1904 in Baltimore, Maryland, the daughter of Francis DeWolf Theobald and Edna Chatard Dulany.

She died in Nov 2005 in Baltimore County, Maryland.

Her husband was Frederick Lewis Wehr, who she married on 21 OCT 1924 in Baltimore, Maryland. Their two known children were Frederick Theobald (1925-2005) and Nancy deWolf (1927-2004).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Nancy deWolf Theobald


Francis DeWolf Theobald


Samuel Theobald


Elisha Warfield Theobald


Sarah Francis Smith


Caroline Dexter DeWolf


Francis Le Baron DeWolf


Caroline Martin Dexter


Edna Chatard Dulany


John Mason Dulaney


Emily Chatard Higinbotham


John Higinbothom


Frances Clagett



Birth19 JAN 1904
Place: Baltimore, Maryland
DeathNOV 2005
Place: Baltimore County, Maryland
Age: 101
Census21 APR 1910
Place: Baltimore, Maryland
Address: Baltimore City, Merry man Ave, dwelling 12, family 12 Theobald, T DeWolf, head mw age 31 married 1, 8yrs born Maryland, f&m Maryland, inspector of steel work __ Edn D, wife fw age 31 married 1, 8 yrs, mother of 1, 1 living, born Maryland, f&m Maryland __ Nancy D-W, daughter fw age 6 single born Maryland, f&m Maryland Dulany, Walter G, brother in law mw age 24 single, born Maryland, f&m Maryland, agent in insurance Proctor, Erva, servant F Mu, age 17 single, born Maryland f&m Maryland, cook for private family
Census3 APR 1930
Place: Baltimore, Maryland
Age: 26
Address: Ward 13, 382 Beech Ave, dwelling 52 family 51 Wehr, Fredrick L, head owns home, $5250, with radio mw age 27 married at age 22 born Maryland, f&m Maryland, secretary in Banking __ Nancy T wife, fw age 26 married at age 20 born Maryland f&m Maryland __ Frederick, T son, mw age 4y 11? m single born Maryland f&m Maryland __ Nancy DeW., daughter fw age 2Y 3M single born Maryland f&m Maryland
Census22 APR 1940
Place: Baltimore, Maryland
Age: 36
Address: ED 9, Berwick Ave, house 199, owned, $14,000 Wehr, Fredrick L, head mw age 36, married, 2 yr college, born Maryland, same house 1935, asst Secretary, Life Insurance __ Nancy T, wife fw age 36 married, born Maryland , same house 1935 __ Wehr, Fredrick T son, mw age 14 single born Maryland, same house 1935 __ Nancy, DW daughter fw age 12 single, born Maryland , same house 1935 Smith, Zuem,servant, m C age 23 married born New Jersey __ Louise, servant F C age 22 married born South Carolina


Theobald, We...
Dexter Genea...
Dexter Genea...


Note 1

Nancy deWolf Theobald Wehr 1904-2005, had been a board member of the National Society of Colonial Dames of America in Maryland

daughter Nancy deWolf Wehr Niermann 1927-2004, also belonged to the Colonial Dames and the Society of Mayflower Descendants.

refer to AncestralRecsPortraitsII.pdf attached