Sarah Whitehead


Personal and Family Information

Sarah was the daughter of unknown parents. The date and place of her birth have not been found.

She died before 1797. The place is not known.

Her husband was James Bowie, who she married on BEF 18 JUL 1765 in North Carolina. Their eleven known children were Rezin (1762-1821), Elay (1768->1798), Comfort (1768->1811), Rhesa (>1769-<1810), Sara (<1769-1799), Nancy (<1769-c1775), Alice (<1769-c1775), Martha (1770->1799), John (?-c1816), Mary (<1796->1798) and Ana (<1796->1798).


DeathBEF 1797
WILL17 JUN 1768
Place: St George Parish, Georgia
Address: Will of Thomas Whitehead -- "give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Buoy wife pf James Buoy" "give and bequeath to my son Reason Whitehead" signed 18 July 1765, St George Parish, Georgia presented 16 June, recorded 17 June 1768.


Chart - Rezi...
Rezin Bowie ...


Note 1


"The Bowies and their Kindred" only very loosely ties this James back to the Maryland Bowies. Page 258 and 259 statements such as "In the absence of documentary evidence, family tradition must be accepte.." and "If such was the case" and "It is not know where...but seems to be".

"The Rezin Bowie Family of Louisiana" by Virginia Lobdell Jennings is a much more scholarily research of this Jame Bowie and his decendents. Wills and land records are used to better document the names, familys, places and dates. At the same time comparasions are made with the claims in WW Bowie book.

Most of what is here for decendents of James Bowie and Sarah Whitehead is taken from Jenning's book above

Arthur F Bowie 27 December 2008


  1. The Rezin Bowie Family of Louisiana
    Source: The Rezin Bowie Family of Louisiana
    Authors: Virginia Lobdell Jennings 1998
    Date: 1998
    Publisher: Louisiana Genealogical & Historical Society POBox 82060 Baton Rouge, LA 70884-2060