Harry Carmac Tinsley


Personal and Family Information

Harry was born on 16 Mar 1928 in Jackson County, Arkansas, the son of Sam Calvin Tinsley and Helen Augustine Reid.

He died on 10 Oct 1983. The place is not known.

His wife was Charlotte Tinsley. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their two known children were Rusty (c1950-?) and Sheila (c1950-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Harry Carmac Tinsley


Sam Calvin Tinsley


Helen Augustine Reid


Zechariah Booth Reid


William Lee Reid


Martha Ann Booth


Troupe Augustine Simmons


George McIntosh Troupe Simmons


Anne Eliza Gough



Birth16 MAR 1928
Place: Jackson County, Arkansas
Death10 OCT 1983
Census12 APR 1940
Place: Newport, Jackson County, Arkansas
Age: 11 to 12
Address: Union Twp, house 518, household 187 Tinsley, Sam C 54, Helen wife age 34, Margie dau 13, Harry son 12 all born Arkansas


Occupationowned Restaurant in Newport Arkansas