Philemon Lloyd


Personal and Family Information

Philemon was born on 26 Mar 1709 in Wye House, Talbot County, Maryland, the son of Edward II Lloyd and Sarah Covington.

He died on 5 Mar 1729 in Wye House, Talbot County, Maryland.

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Philemon Lloyd


Edward II Lloyd


Philemon Lloyd


Edward I Lloyd


Alice Crouch


Henrietta Maria Neale


James Neale


Anna Gill


Sarah Covington


Nehemiah Covington


Rebecca Denwood



Birth26 MAR 1709
Place: Wye House, Talbot County, Maryland
Death5 MAR 1729
Place: Wye House, Talbot County, Maryland
Age: 20 years 11 months and 5 days
Address: Wye House gravestone #29
Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
Source: Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
Date: JUN 2012
Publisher: Arthur Bowie Bentonville, Ark

Place: Wye House, Talbot County, Maryland
Age: 20 years 11 months and 5 days
Address: N 38° 51.28’ W076° 10.07’ Grave 29 Lloyd Family Cemetery Easton, Talbot County, Md
Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
Source: Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
Date: JUN 2012
Publisher: Arthur Bowie Bentonville, Ark

WILL15 MAR 1718
Place: Talbot County, Maryland
Address: Name wife Sarah Lloyd, sons Philemon Lloyd, Edward Lloyd, James Lloyd, Richard Lloyd, son???? daughter Rebeccah Lloyd friend Robert Goulde, brother in law Matthew Tilgman Ward signed 15 March 1718 with four witness
Will-Lloyd,Edward 1718.80

Will-Lloyd,Edward 1718.82


Note 1

This was 2nd son of Edward Lloyd II -

after Edward. Lloyd II’s death, Sarah married Col James Hollyday & built Readbourne in Queen Anne County. They lived at Wye until her son, Edward III came of age. As oldest surviving son of Hon Col Lloyd, this Philemon was for nearly 11 years the owner of Wye House but dying just under age, it passed to his brother, another Edward Lloyd III


  1. Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
    Source: Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
    Date: JUN 2012
    Publisher: Arthur Bowie Bentonville, Ark
  2. The Worthies of Talbot County, Maryland
    Source: The Worthies of Talbot County, Maryland
    Authors: Oswald Tilghman
    Date: 1915
    Publisher: originally published in Oswald Tilghman's Talbot County History 1661-1861 , Volume 1 published in 1915. The book was compiled principally from the literary relics of Samuel Harrison, A.M., M.D. Talbot County Free Library
  3. Old Kent: The Eastern Shore of Maryland notes illustrative of the most ancient records of Kent County, Maryland
    Source: Old Kent: The Eastern Shore of Maryland notes illustrative of the most ancient records of Kent County, Maryland
    Authors: George A Hanson, M.A. correspomding member of the Maryland Historical Society Baltimore, Maryland
    Date: 30 DEC 1876
    Publisher: my file Data/GenelogyBooks/Old_Kent.pdf
  4. Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
    Source: Cemetery - Lloyd Family at Wye House with marker inscriptions and arrangement drawing
    Date: JUN 2012
    Publisher: Arthur Bowie Bentonville, Ark