Theresa Ann Patton


Personal and Family Information

Theresa was born in 1819 in Tennessee, the daughter of unknown parents.

Her husband was Benjamin F. Ellis, who she married in ABT 1838. The place has not been found. Their only known child was Elizabeth Adaline (1841-1926).


Place: Tennessee
Address: name Patton in an ancestry tree
Census12 SEP 1850
Place: Lawrence County, Missouri
Age: 30 to 31
Address: dist 47, dwelling 213 family 217 B.F. Ellis, 40 m , farmer born NC Terisa age 32, f, born Tenn James 12, m born Tenn Elizabeth age 10 f born Tenn Mary A age 7 f born Tenn John P age 3 born Mo Margarett E age 2 f born MO
Census18 JUL 1870
Place: Audrain County, Missouri
Age: 50 to 51
Address: Willson Township, Mexico PO dwelling 18 family 17 Ellis, Benjamin 57 mw farmer $1000, $600, born North Carolina __ Ann age 51 fw keeping house, born Tenn __ James 31 mw farmer born Tenn __ mary age 26 fw at home born Missouri __ John age 22 mw works on farm, born Missouri __ Margarett age 26, fw, at home, born Missouri __ George age 13 at home born Missouri __ Francis age 9 fw , at home, born MIssouri
Census7 JUN 1880
Place: Audrain County, Missouri
Address: dwellling 54 family 58 Ellis, B.F. wm age 69, married farmer, born NC, f NC, M Ireland — Ann T wf age 61 wife married , keeping house, born Tenn, f Tenn, m KY — Mary H wf age 36, daughter singe at home, nervis disability born Mo f NC m Tenn — Joh P wm age 33 son single born Mo f NC m Tenn — George w wm age 23 son single born Mo f NC m Tenn — Dorah F age 19, daughter single born Mo f NC m Tenn Radison, george BM age 12 laborer laborer born Mo f&m Mo dwelling 55 family 59 Ellis, Jas M, wm age 41 married farmer, born Tenn, f NC m Tenn — Mary j, wf age 27 wife married keeping house, born Mo f Va m KY
WILL20 JAN 1887
Place: Audrain County, Missouri
Address: names daughter Dora F Porter exec, wife Tenisa A Ellis, sons George W Ellis, John P Ellis, daughter Elizabeth Shelton
Will-Ellis,Benjamin 1884